Marijuana Strains

Here's my official review of KG's Purple Pandora Bubble Hash.  I've never tried bubble hash before so please take my opinions worth a grain of salt.

Appearance:  Looks like a bunch of brown crumbs that sizzle a bit when you hold a lighter to them.  I'm guessing this is pressed bubble hash because I thought bubble hash bubbled or something and came in a little chunk.

Smell:  Very pleasant rich, deep, incense like odor.  I could take whiffs of it all day and be happy.  How's that for aromatherapy?

Taste:  When done correctly very pleasant, spicy, with a bit of a chemical undertone.  When overdone, the smoke is harsh, hard to keep down.  As it expands in the lungs it is almost impossible not to cough.  My throat burns for about 10 minutes after a big hit.  I have since learned to be more careful.

Potency:  Two relatively light hits get me to where I need to be.  A few more and I'm pretty much useless.

Effects:  (Let me smoke some first).  Ok, not quite like the plant that I'm so used to.  It feels more like a lazy cerebral buzz than anything.  I no longer want to write this review and just really want to lay down in front of the TV with a bag of Doritos.  Still, it's a rather pleasant and intense high that really makes a strong attempt to dominate the conscious mind to it's fullest.  It's just not as uplifting as I'd anticipated it to be given the name. 

Available hash comparison:  OF's Black Jack Herer Bud Hash kicks Pandora's ass in every category with the exception of potency.  Pandora is much more overwhelming in that category.  I think the most fun about Black Jack is that it actually gave me the "more's".  It's very rewarding stimulant like effect must have triggered some black hole in the center of my brain that wanted me to burn all of my hash in one night.

My totally biased conclusion:  PPB Bubble hash just isn't worth it and is not a suitable replacement for the actual buds.  The chemical aftertaste arouses a bit of suspicion in me, and I don't like highs that make me feel like lying down.  Plus, the hangover from this one can last quite a while.  I've never had a pot hangover before so I guess I'll give it an B+ for uniqueness.

Got a super fast turnaround from OF once again.  Ordered and shipped on Friday, got my pack today (Monday).

Green Hornet - I decided to order from their top tier this time around and chose this strain.  Here's a little pic of a green, fluffy bud.  I'll report back on the effects soon.

To top things off, I put in an order for one of my personal favorites, Black Jack Herer Bud Hash.  It's got some nice, smooth, fragrant smoke along with a rather pleasant, light, uplifting effect.  It's not the kind of hash that's gonna knock you on your ass, I'd describe it more as a nice little pick-me-up.

That's a nice looking little BJH bud.

I have never tried or looked close at hash bud, do they melt and drip it on the buds or soak the bud in it?

Looks like its all inside that tasty looking little power nugget.

That's a nice looking little BJH bud.

I have never tried or looked close at hash bud, do they melt and drip it on the buds or soak the bud in it?

Looks like its all inside that tasty looking little power nugget.
It would be quite nice to have a little nugget inside of my little hash rock, but the consistency is the same inside and out.  It's kind of like having a small, hardened chunk of dirt that you break pieces off of and smoke.  Hash is made from removing THC producing glands called trichomes (aka kief) from the plant, collecting them, and using one of various methods of preparation. 

Here's a good article on the process:

Here's yet another article that describes the different types of hash:

Black Jack Herer Bud hash happens to be heated and pressed kief which is actually the lowest grade of hash available, but is still a relatively good smoke.  I've tried Purple Pandora Bubble hash, which is a grade higher, and it was much more potent than the BJH.  It kind of sizzles when you hold it up to a flame and produces a very harsh smoke that can irritate the throat and lungs if not taken in moderation.  I liked that one a lot more.  I'm just beginning my adventures into different types of hash and am hoping to soon try earwax and shatter.  There are also vendors who sell honey oil dipped buds rolled in kief on occasion (OF happens to be sold out right now) which is probably closer to what you were describing.

Thanks for the links.

Looking closer I see that is a hash chunk. I thought that was a bud soaked in hash oil like you mentioned.

I have had hash, just never the oil impregnated buds.

Thanks for the links.

Looking closer I see that is a hash chunk. I thought that was a bud soaked in hash oil like you mentioned.

I have had hash, just never the oil impregnated buds.
Nope, I didn't mention that, I said it was "bud hash" meaning the trichomes were harvested from only the buds instead of using the entire plant.

Damn you two! All this PhD level banter is making me jones for a nice fat party bowl of Deadhead OG. Time to break out the old green Graphix.

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Here's my official review of KG's Purple Pandora Bubble Hash.  I've never tried bubble hash before so please take my opinions worth a grain of salt.

Appearance:  Looks like a bunch of brown crumbs that sizzle a bit when you hold a lighter to them.  I'm guessing this is pressed bubble hash because I thought bubble hash bubbled or something and came in a little chunk.
SS there different grades of bubble hash. It depends on how many times it is run a screen with each pass a smaller micron screen is used. Usually starting with a 220 micron bag and work your way down. A 120 micron bag will make some good hash but to achieve a full melt a 45 would probably work but 20 microns is best leaving basically just trich's. A lot of people stop at 120 to increase their yield still leaving fine particles of plant matter that doesn't melt. If you get full melt you can actually dab it like oil. GR has full melt.


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SS there different grades of bubble hash. It depends on how many times it is run a screen with each pass a smaller micron screen is used. Usually starting with a 220 micron bag and work your way down. A 120 micron bag will make some good hash but to achieve a full melt a 45 would probably work but 20 microns is best leaving basically just trich's. A lot of people stop at 120 to increase their yield still leaving fine particles of plant matter that doesn't melt. If you get full melt you can actually dab it like oil. GR has full melt.
Thank you so much for your informative post Chef.  This cleared up a few misconceptions I had about bubble hash.  I always hate those times when I actually have to ask myself, "What the hell am I smoking?" 

Green Hornet from OF

Appearance:  Unremarkably green and fluffy as pictured above.  I'm not exactly used to getting buds listed as high grade and them not being dense.  It made me quite skeptical.

Smell:  Barely any at all.  These are the least fragrant buds I've ever come across

Taste:  Not that of cheap MJ.  This is when I knew I had some pretty good shit.  The flavor is really hard to describe though.  Being an ex-smoker, I'd liken it to the aftertaste of a Winston Cigarette.

Effects:  Definitely a wake and bake herb.  This stuff is quite speedy.  Almost enough to feel the paranoia creeping up on me after a few strong hits.    Still, it's a nice, gentle, quality sativa high.  I'd compare it to a refined and elegant version of GC.

Overall:  Good for staying awake, alert, and oriented x3 (catch that Denise?) and very good for drinking all night.

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Thank you so much for your informative post Chef.  This cleared up a few misconceptions I had about bubble hash.  I always hate those times when I actually have to ask myself, "What the hell am I smoking?"
No doubt. I'm still a bot confused on all the different concentrates and the best way to make each. So far I just top off a bong hit with some bubble hash.

And hash bud or bud hash, sounds the same but isn't. It's the hash bud I want to try, or the buds dipped in oil.

Forgive me, I'm on a stupidly creative high right now and just had an epiphany that I'd like to share.  I had been picking off small pieces of my BJHBH and throwing them into my homemade hash pipe.  I wasn't really getting much of a kick or even a thick hit for that matter.  After pulverization of the rock, I became more aware, aware that I had one of those "aha!" moments.  It went down like this.

I ignited the crumbs with a simple flash of the flame.  I found that I needed leather lungs to keep the smoke down.​
/default_biggrin.png PROBLEM SOLVED /default_biggrin.png​
Great Idea!

Another great stoner tip:

For a Bong hit if you keep the flame above the leaves and inhale slow enough to not pull the flame into the loaded green and burn the green but rather just above it to heat it till you see it smoke, the heat will release more THC for you to inhale then you would get if you put the flame directly to the green as I do 98% of the time. And it tastes great!

The flame burns more THC then a slow heat will, I guess it's like how a vaporizer works.

So if you use a pipe and pass it around, the person who hits first gets most of the taste and THC and those that are passed to get less.

I wonder if a thread should be started on all of our unique processes and creations or even equipment cleaning methods that we have all figured out and developed over the years?

Green Hornet from OF

Appearance:  Unremarkably green and fluffy as pictured above.  I'm not exactly used to getting buds listed as high grade and them not being dense.  It made me quite skeptical.

Smell:  Barely any at all.  These are the least fragrant buds I've ever come across

Taste:  Not that of cheap MJ.  This is when I knew I had some pretty good shit.  The flavor is really hard to describe though.  Being an ex-smoker, I'd liken it to the aftertaste of a Winston Cigarette.

Effects:  Definitely a wake and bake herb.  This stuff is quite speedy.  Almost enough to feel the paranoia creeping up on me after a few strong hits.    Still, it's a nice, gentle, quality sativa high.  I'd compare it to a refined and elegant version of GC.

Overall:  Good for staying awake, alert, and oriented x3 (catch that Denise?) and very good for drinking all night.
I've been checking choices out - haven't tried OF yet (just GR and KG) but I think I will try the Super Silver Haze (because of Skunk in its 'ancestry' - you know my weakness for skunk)

Missed out on the Maui (95% Sativa.....mouth watering)


I've been happy with everything but I want something that will punch harder than Ali in his day. 

Collecting small amounts of other strains as I go - .different ones for different situations.  Need a hard hitter.

I'm enjoying the entire experience of researching strains and "being the guinea pig" too 


Anyone out there want to suggest something that will put me in the zone for a couple of hours?

Super silver haze won't hit you hard. It's good but not a heavy hitter.

If you can find Chem4, Merlot Kush, Purple Sour Deisel, and Mango, one of these would be a heavy hitter from my experience.

I've been checking choices out - haven't tried OF yet (just GR and KG) but I think I will try the Super Silver Haze (because of Skunk in its 'ancestry' - you know my weakness for skunk)

Missed out on the Maui (95% Sativa.....mouth watering)


I've been happy with everything but I want something that will punch harder than Ali in his day. 

Collecting small amounts of other strains as I go - .different ones for different situations.  Need a hard hitter.

I'm enjoying the entire experience of researching strains and "being the guinea pig" too 


Anyone out there want to suggest something that will put me in the zone for a couple of hours?
Denise, If you want to be in a zone knocked on your ass you need to try some of the concentrates available. The waxes and shatters are in a different catagory then even the most potent flowers you have ever tasted. Kiwi's wax seems to be different everytime I have ordered, at first it was very good, But last time I ordered it was not as good and had some plant matter still in it, not cool at all, OF usually has several different flavors of indica and sativa, GR usually has a selection of shatter that is some of the most potent I have ever had and he also carries full melt bubble hash which also very nice.

 If you want to feel like you just got "punched harder then Ali in his day" I would suggest shatter, It is very easy to smoke too much, hope this helps

Be Good,



This is a very good Indica that I would rank near the top for taste and effect.

It's a very Smooth smoke with a creeper sensation.

I used RBK at the end of the day after using confirmed 20% THC levels sativas all day long and the taste and effect was so nice and noticeably deeper and very relaxing.

After consuming three loads in front of the TV a couple days ago my mind drifted and the program that was on ended and a new one started and I didn't notice and forgot what I was watching in the first place until I thought about it. A very nice drift thru my thoughts and a great disconnected feeling after doing a bunch of work I was very tired from.

I will add this one to my favors to watch for and get.

Ripped Bubba Kush - Indica

9/10. Looks

9/10. Taste

9/10. Effect

I'm going to date myself. let's see, strains I've had...

1973 called Columbian Red--who knew what it really was...fantastic stuff, expanded in your lungs like nothing I've ever had..or course if could be because it was the first real good smoke I ever had in my teen years..since then, there has been train wreck, Jack Herrer, Bubblegum, AK 47, White Widow, both bought and grown, Northern Lights, Mantanuka Mist, King White Wilhem, and Black Domina. My favorite was probably the Red because of the first experience with a good strain and more recently the White Widow I grew. Call it a labor of love...The rest were a toss up. In the 70's could get away with a lot in my small Hick town near the major universities of UNC and Duke. Lot of stuff going on back then near the big schools. Good years, LE wasn't quite as much on the ball back then. Just had to watch out for the narcs. Sheesh, that brings back

Just thought I'd share a quick picture of my leafy companion from this past Saturday evening.

May I present "Mr. Nice Guy", an excellent strain currently offered from my private vendor. These gorgeous, colorful ladies are an exceptional hybrid, originally created as a cross between the legendary G13 and The Hash Plant strains, albeit with a few other minor genetic modifications in this 2013 version of the classic "Mr. Nice". This indica dominant hybrid has extremely dense and colorful buds, paired with a very sweet, almost "candy store" aroma. Mr. Nice Guy is also a major creeper, and offers an initially cerebral, energizing and "talkative" high, followed by a powerful, mellow body experience.

This strain has apparently been largely unavailable since the late 1980's, but has been re-introduced by a well known seed bank. I was told when purchasing that this is a perfect hybrid for those times when you want to be social for 3 or 4 hours, and then melt into the best sleep you've had in years", and from my weekend experience, I couldn't agree more.

Have a great week everyone.....



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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!