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johnnog said:
could be wrong but i think he may have threatened another member,if thats not true i apologise and please tell us why he was banned.

Think he said he was an ex-marine so i wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of one of those trained to kill with their hands type of people.(thats if he really was an ex-marine)

He seemed harmless to me,seemed to post in shoutbox a lot in colours i could barely read most of the time, but somebody must have pushed him a bit too far for him to threaten them.
Oh, I didn't realize he was banned. He was a colorful character indeed, though it could get annoying at times. There were also a few times when he posted some highly aggressive things (not at anyone in particular if I recall correctly), but just very violent things. That put me off a bit. He was also very hard to understand, but I chalked that up to, perhaps, an injury of some kind??

Yes, he had a head injury. That's why I gave him leeway about his posting style.

All caps, turquoise colors, etc.

My husband and I were just discussing how hard it must be to have a profession where you are trained to be aggressive, but have to be able to switch it off and on at will. I can see why so many vets have trouble adjusting when they come home.

Love the USMC love on here. And yes, discipline is a huge part of what they instill in you in the Corps, but so is aggression.

It can be difficult coming back to the world with all of its individuality and irresponsibility (warnings on coffee cups for Christ's sake! Anyone who gets burned from coffee and is surprised that it is hot and decides to sue, well, I just can't comprehend that).

I have constant anxiety that I'm going to blow my top and get banned.

But rules are rules.

Gotta respect the ROE, wherever you are,

XXX Chesty Puller can tell you about the rest. :)

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SBB was very sweet but definitely over the top with his graphic messages to me. 😳 I didn't hold it against him, mostly cause I'm not easily offended. And I have a huge respect for any military. My dad is a Vietnam vet (marine) and holds a high position at the DAV. Plus men in uniform are soooo sexy!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

johnnog said:
sometimes members get banned for doing something they didn't even realise was against the rules so i don't think anyone who has been banned should be put in a 'Hall of Shame.'Maybe ex-members who scammed other members could be put in said hall but not everyone.I have broken rules and had temporary ban but it was for something i didn't even realise was against the rules.
Agree with you there. I remember when you got banned...I asked what happened to you. No answer.

Glad you came back.

At first when I saw the suggestion of posting banned members, I felt the same way as in being shamed for something temporary or something but recently ive realized that it could be very important to know if someone has been banned. And why..especially if the person did something very wrong. We all have to look out for this board. As a 13,000 member board as good as cat, 2earls and admin are at monitoring everything and i have no idea how they do i so well, if everyone is looking out, it just makes things easier and adds more protection. This isnt a birds and blooms board, theres alot that needs protecting here. Just my opinion.

All for nothing, and no, it will never stop.

This latest terrorist group, ISIS...we could cut their funds off, but no one does. We could cut their supplies (you see the trucks they drive?), but we don't do that, either. Don't even get me started on who is supplying arms to them.

It is just more of the same shenanigans, and they will get away with it as long as no one is paying attention.

johnnog said:
Bullys n punks eh?sounds like you live near to me,fancy a cup of rosey lee? lol.Trouble is,soldiers may well be taught self discipline in the forces but when they are dumped in civilian world thats when some start to fall apart.

I was reading the other day about a young ex-soldier who went through some bad shit in Afghanistan,he took his own life unable to deal with what he experienced.Where was the help for him?What the hell were/are supposed to be doing in Afghanistan anyway,another mess created by the western powers,basically we got beat,we lost in Afghanistan for what?stopping terrorism?has it stopped?No.
i don't think "winning" and "stopping terrorism" was ever the purpose in the first place lol.

Maybe i just feel differently but i don't see war as being a tool to achieve anything for the masses. just for the 

ultra wealthy who are invested in war. 

that and to keep the propaganda machine going with fear mongering. keeping people scared makes them panic and 

buy more shit, because people don't want to save when they think its all gonna go the hell and they better spend $ soon! keeps the crime rates up, the prison industrial complex profiting. split peoples opinions with controlled 

opposition. so that people argue over things that don't matter. divide and conquer the working class with media tools.

Read edward bernays propaganda.

ok I'm done rambling now

hope everyone has a good day.

i'm gonna get banned for getting off topic so much

johnnog said:
sometimes members get banned for doing something they didn't even realise was against the rules so i don't think anyone who has been banned should be put in a 'Hall of Shame.'Maybe ex-members who scammed other members could be put in said hall but not everyone.I have broken rules and had temporary ban but it was for something i didn't even realise was against the rules.
WHAT?? AGAIN?? Come back, johnnog!!

He evidently pissed somebody off...
Oh, I see. He asked if racist comments were allowed on the forum. Isn't that a legitimate question?

Someone made a racist comment in the shoutbox. People are entitled to their bigoted  thoughts, but are not entitled to express them on the forum. I guess johnnog and I were the only ones who were offended by the racist comment, and he got banned. 

And so it goes...

Oh, I see. He asked if racist comments were allowed on the forum. Isn't that a legitimate question?

Someone made a racist comment in the shoutbox. People are entitled to their bigoted  thoughts, but are not entitled to express them on the forum. I guess johnnog and I were the only ones who were offended by the racist comment, and he got banned. 

And so it goes...
I was offended also after being told the comment. mrRacistUncoolguy should be banned. he can join his and talk all he wants on there about useless jibberish.

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All for nothing, and no, it will never stop.

This latest terrorist group, ISIS...we could cut their funds off, but no one does. We could cut their supplies (you see the trucks they drive?), but we don't do that, either. Don't even get me started on who is supplying arms to them.

It is just more of the same shenanigans, and they will get away with it as long as no one is paying attention.
The cia was caught making fake bin laden videos. So now the made up isis has hd cams to film this stuff. And the sheeple believe it. No wonder we are doomed. History ALWAYS repeats itself.RRemember Rome?

Oh, I see. He asked if racist comments were allowed on the forum. Isn't that a legitimate question?

Someone made a racist comment in the shoutbox. People are entitled to their bigoted thoughts, but are not entitled to express them on the forum. I guess johnnog and I were the only ones who were offended by the racist comment, and he got banned.

And so it goes...
I am not going to say I know exactly why Johnnog got banned, but I CAN assure you that it was not for that comment. Why would you assume it is?
I was very offended by those comments, which is why I banned mrcoolguy from the shoutbox.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. malmechist @ malmechist: Shoutout to TGC-RC thanks for fighting the good fight peeps.
  2. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: Oh how i wish i could see certain parts of the future.
  3. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: I was at one point yesterday but not at the same time as you @Moonkey
  4. M @ Moonkey: Is anyone else having trouble getting proton mail to load? Was on it & everything just quit, tried phone & laptop. Can't even get support to load or anything, rest of the web seems fine. Is it just me?
  5. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh would you mind sending the number over to me please?
  6. Q @ quickfasthots: PM of course
  7. CalFresh @ CalFresh: @xenxra tx for the tip. hope everyone here is doing well!
  8. Robotanical @ Robotanical: I have been so torn when it comes to investing in crypto. I regret not doing it back in 2010-2011. One of my relatives recently got into xrp, which has sparked my curiosity. I really don't have any money to lose, though. I feel like any $ that I invest has to be an amount that I can afford to lose. Not in that position atm. lol.
  9. R @ rasetreydir: @xenxra I'll be patient for 600k. Now i just need the btc.
  10. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Sent you an email, from a new email address, could you respond please? You wil recognize subject line.
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: @rasetreydir pretty sure bitcoin is gonna go over $600,000 by 2028 if you can hold out that long
  12. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: @PharmerJohn hey man just so you know shoutbox shouldnt talk about orders. Those are for emails and threads. The mods wanna keep the shoutbox clean
  13. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: Holla to my fellow peeps. Remember jshout box is limited in words because dets should not go here. I saw someone asked. ✌️
  14. CnC5 @ CnC5: Hope everyone here at DBG is having a great weekend!
  15. R @ rasetreydir: I seem to remember hearing that about ripple. Well one thing im sure of is i certainly missed that btc boat. Nobody is laughing about it now ulike 10 years ago.
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: monero honestly isnt even a bad choice to hold right now, im expecting xmr to reach a 3 year high in the coming weeks
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: it's also been long confirmed that ripple actively sells against the market and holds a significant portion of the xrp supply in their custody
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: there's plenty of better crypto to buy right now instead of betting on the top ones that have been around for years. they take a significantly larger amount of capital to increase price.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @rasetreydir ripple's about to be dealing with a lot of heat because apparently they're spending millions of dollars to lobby against a strategic bitcoin reserve, i'd be pretty careful touching xrp here
  20. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Literally how I feel with all crypto lately- like do I resubscribe now or do I wait until tomorrow in case it has another run? I'm not cut out for stock broker stress lol